Submitted on 03-12-2009

NameElla Thorpe
Postcode for HireM14 5RB
Date Required08/12/09
Time required13:00
Type Of HireSumo suits
Please give as much information on your hire needs in this box:I'm a 17 year old student at Xaverian Sixth Form College, and we are currently raising money for Toys For Children. The aim is for us to be able to buy as many Christmas presents as possible for children in less fortunate positions than ourselves, much like the charity Operation Christmas Child. We would be very grateful if you could possibly allow us to set-up the Sumo Suits free of cost on our lawn, so we can charge many of our 1600 students a small price to take part in a tournament. If possible, we would greatly appreciate having the Sumo Suits for the afternoon of one of the following days - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday - next week. Please help us raise money for a worthy cause, and make Christmas special for needy children. I hope to hear from you soon, thank you.
Thanks for the enquiry which we received from you, we received your email and contacted the customer back within 10 minutes.
She was impressed with both your website and our quick response.

Kind Regards,
Lisa & Dave