Submitted on 06-12-2010

NameJustin Watts
Postcode for HireBS16
Date Required17/12/10
Time required18:00-21:00
Type Of HireBungeee run
Alternative choiceObstacle course
Please give as much information on your hire needs in this box:We are a youth club and we are having a christmas party on 17th pf december and would like the Bungee run or obstacle course as a change of things to do on a friday night as its a special occastion. If you could let me know a price and get back to me ASAP that would be fantastic. Thank you P.S Email me if u can please.
Thanks for the enquiry which we received from you, we received your email and contacted the customer back within 10 minutes.
She was impressed with both your website and our quick response.

Kind Regards,
Lisa & Dave