Submitted on 26-04-2011

NameKaren Price
Postcode for HireB30 1HW
Date Required02/07/11
Time required13:00 - 16:00
Type Of HireBungeee run
Please give as much information on your hire needs in this box:It is for a school fete which is to raise money for charity. The people who would be using the bungee run would be school girls between the ages of 11 and 18. The people organising the bungee run would be pupils of the school and stundents of the sixth form, with the assistance of a teacher. Would need to know whether or not the company would have liabilty insurance.
Thanks for the enquiry which we received from you, we received your email and contacted the customer back within 10 minutes.
She was impressed with both your website and our quick response.

Kind Regards,
Lisa & Dave